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New board: /vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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Let's have a thread dedicated to the first two only RPG games in the Paper Mario series, Paper Mario 64 and Thousand Year Door.

Started replaying Paper Mario 1 recently and it's still a very charming game.
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>>22728 (OP)
I recently replayed Thousand Year Door and it's as good as I remembered
>>22728 (OP)
>Paper Mario 64 got a difficulty mod that added a bunch of new shit
>still no difficulty mod for TTYD
I really want to play TTYD again but it's just way too easy unless you handicap yourself.
>>22728 (OP)
Might as well make a thread for the first two Paper Mario games, the first two Mario & Luigi games and Super Mario RPG if you're gonna be like that

This except for the General White bullshit
Fuck General White!That asshole also makes you find him in the postgame.
Hold up. What is there besides the pit?
Do this OP. Play master quest junior. It's very difficult but fun and rewarding. Took me 8 tries to beat the Fire Pirahna boss and 5 to beat the ice king. You have a very real risk of dying to random enemies and constantly using items.
Some new help requests open up and he's one of them.Not really any serious new story.There is the appearance of Lady Bow and Bootler at Poshley Heights but that's just an easter egg.
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>>22728 (OP)
What would a remaster need to be worth making?
Just wide screen support, nothing else.
It only needs widescreen and better resolution. Keep everything else as close to the original as possible.
>>22728 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ugw0BVb0mU [Embed]

Can't wait for this fan project, I honestly like the white outlines but those are apparently getting mixed reception.
>>22728 (OP)
what's your thoughts on super paper Mario? it was one of the first games ive ever played and personally I think it had the best story out of the original 3. it has problems but the story makes up for alot.
I hate the white lines.
Some shortcuts thrown in where the backtracking is at its worst, like in the Twilight Forest.
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What do the white lines add? They're just an excess outline to drive home "LOOK, WE'RE PAPER!"
The setting and the NPCs were really offputting to me the first time I played it but the really big issue was the gameplay, which was just weird, floaty Mario
The core story is as good as it gets and Castle Bleck is one of my favorite final dungeons in any RPG but I just can't enjoy it as much as the first two

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